Texas has a higher gross state product (GSP) than the GDP of several developed countries and the third largest of any country subdivision globally. With the state's 


GDP per capita is adjusted for price differences between countries (it is expressed in international dollars).

PPP is for purchasing power parity. Purchasing power parity means how much money would be needed to buy the same item in two different countries. Per capita means per person. Sixteen economies would have per capita gdp above $50,000. Austria, Finland, Germany, and Belgium are expected to cross the $50k mark in 2021.

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Sixteen economies would have per capita gdp above $50,000. Austria, Finland, Germany, and Belgium are expected to cross the $50k mark in 2021. With the entry of Bulgaria, Russia, St. Lucia, and Grenada into the elite $10000 per capita GDP club in 2021, there would be a total of 69 economies in this list. On the whole, PPP per capita figures are less spread than nominal GDP per capita figures. [6] The United States is the world's largest economy with a GDP of approximately $20.513 trillion, notably due to high average incomes , a large population , [7] capital investment, low unemployment , [8] high consumer spending, [9] a relatively young population, [10] and technological innovation. [11] U.S. states and territories by GDP per capita (current dollars) National rank Global rank State or territory 2019 1 1 District of Columbia: 200,277 2 2 New York: 90,043 3 2 Massachusetts: 86,942 4 3 Connecticut: 81,055 5 3 California: 80,563 6 4 Washington: 80,170 7 4 Delaware: 78,468 8 4 Alaska: 76,220 9 4 North Dakota: 75,321 10 6 New Jersey: 73,451 11 6 (See List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita.) PPP largely removes the exchange rate problem but not others; it does not reflect the value of economic output in international trade, and it also requires more estimation than GDP per capita.

For rankings regarding wealth, see list of countries by wealth per adult On the whole, PPP per capita figures are more narrowly spread than nominal GDP per capita figures. Non-sovereign entities (the world, continents, and some dependent territories ) and states with limited international recognition (such as Kosovo , Palestine and Taiwan ) are included in the list in cases in which they appear in the sources.

Gross national income per capita is proposed as the primary indicator. a per capita gross domestic product, measured in purchasing power standards, of less list of low-income countries with a gross national product per capita of less than 

Rank, Name, GDP Growth, GDP per Capita, Trade Balance/GDP, Population  29 Mar 2021 According to this measure, the 10 largest economies in the world are China, the United States, India, Japan, Germany, Russia, Indonesia, Brazil,  Real GDP per capita. online data code: SDG_08_10 SDG_08_10 last update: 27/ 04/2021 14:00 view:  List of countries ranked by GDP - per capita (PPP). GDP Per Capita by Country GDP per capita is gross domestic product divided by midyear population.

List gdp per capita

The timeliness of the gdp is typically worse than those of cli input Sign our petition, and help us get the seasons on to unesco's world herritage list. Genomsnittligt antal ansökningar om internationellt skydd per capita 

List gdp per capita

Real GDP per capita The indicator is calculated as the ratio of real GDP to the average population of a specific year. GDP measures the value of total final output of goods and services produced by an economy within a certain period of time. The list of purchasing power adjusted GDP per capita for the OECD countries is a rough comparison of the living standards of countries. Measured this way, Sweden was the fourth richest OECD country in the 1970s. GDP per capita, PPP (current international $) from The World Bank: Data. Learn how the World Bank Group is helping countries with COVID-19 (coronavirus). Find Out .

Högst upp på listan återfinns till exempel  Rang, Land, BNP - per capita (PPP) (US $). 1, Liechtenstein, 139,100. 2, Qatar, 124,100. 3, Macau, 122,000. 4, Monaco, 115,700.
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GDP is the worth of all goods and services made in a country in a year. PPP is for purchasing power parity. Purchasing power parity means how much money would be needed to buy the same item in two different countries. Projected GDP per capita Ranking.

The table has current values for GDP per capita, previous releases, historical highs and record lows, release frequency, reported unit and currency plus links to historical data charts. U.S. states and territories by GDP per capita (current dollars) National rank Global rank State or territory 2019 1 1 District of Columbia: 200,277 2 2 New York: 90,043 3 2 Massachusetts: 86,942 4 3 Connecticut: 81,055 5 3 California: 80,563 6 4 Washington: 80,170 7 4 Delaware: 78,468 8 4 Alaska: 76,220 9 4 North Dakota: 75,321 10 6 New Jersey: 73,451 11 6 (See List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita.) PPP largely removes the exchange rate problem but not others; it does not reflect the value of economic output in international trade, and it also requires more estimation than GDP per capita. On the whole, PPP per capita figures are more narrowly spread than nominal GDP per capita figures.
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List gdp per capita

© 2021 International Monetary Fund. All rights reserved.

This version contains GDP growth and levels adjusted for rapidly falling ICT prices. This page displays a table with actual values, consensus figures, forecasts, statistics and historical data charts for - GDP per capita. This page provides values for GDP per capita reported in several countries part of Asia. The table has current values for GDP per capita, previous releases, historical highs and record lows, release frequency, reported unit and currency plus links to historical data charts. Latest official GDP figures published by the World Bank.

All our related research and data · Economic Growth · Global Economic Inequality · Vaccination · Global Extreme Poverty · As the world's poorest economies are 

comprensivo unico academic year – anno accademico 2020-2021 . country - paese gdp per capita ppa - pil procapite ppa single comprehensive tuition fee - contributo onnicomprensivo unico . afghanistan 1.808,05 € 300,00 € GDP (Nominal) and GDP (PPP) per capita of African countries by IMF. Changes in gdp per capita, world rank and continent rank, compare to world economy and continent economy. The research systematically completed China's GDP and GDP per capita from 1952 to 1986 and analyzed growth rate, the change and contribution rates of each component.

See also: GDP per Capita Related News.